Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Boats and God Make Me Happy

So I went to Jesus camp.  Oh yes I did.  But not the stereotypical Jesus camp, but something much, much better.  I went to a place where outside troubles we're simply that: outside. Where fellow campers were not strangers, not merely friends, but after a day, family.  A place where mornings were not when you got up, but when you finally lay down to sleep.  Yep, our program was designed with a flipped schedule, stay up all night, sleep all day.  Did you know that pizza tastes it's absolute finest at 3 am? And that 10pm-1am is the perfect window for zip-lining?  I can sense the jealousy in you're thoughts.

The camp was on a river, and that's where the boats come in.  I've always loved being on a boat, a speed boat especially, but this time was different.  I was completely free of any worries, and my eyes were open to observe creation's beauty.  As we sped along the water and I gazed upon the vast orange sky, I found myself thinking the exact phrase "I never want to leave."

Needless to say, it was an amazing experience.  I was surrounded by God's love like never before.  I was so at peace there, so at home.  I've noticed that this summer, God has granted me peace.  And compared to the stress I put myself under during the school year, it's a drastic improvement.  I pray that I may continue possessing this peace into the new school year, but I'm fine with the summer being stretched as far as possible!

So, where's a place you would stay forever? 


  1. 1. flipped schedule?! that is BEYOND amazing. i wish the passport people had thought of that!
    2. i LOVED this post heather! it was so beeeeeautiful. seriously. love it! :)

  2. Hello, HeatherInTheLines! You're amazing by just taking time to blog! Would you like to join blogforjoy.blogspot.com? Email me your response at jadefireeyes@gmail.com. I await your answer!

  3. Cute blog!!! I love your passion for your religion, it's really inspiring. I'm a new follower, you can check out and follow my blog if you wish at www.rollerbladesandvintage.blogspot.com

    Tata, Leah xox


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